Promotional Plastic Bags Great for Advertising Seasonal Offers
Retailers have long taken advantage of the free advertising that can be had by handing purchases over to customers in promotional carry bags. They make sure the bags are emblazoned with store logos, business phone numbers, web addresses or any other advertising material they can think of to draw attention to their business or product. As the bags are carried onto public transport or swung from the arm of a shopper moving from one outlet to another, observers’ eyes are drawn to them. With their value as an advertising medium proven, the time is now ripe to switch focus to seasonal offers such as Easter Saturday sales, or Mother’s Day gift suggestions.
One of the challenges of promoting seasonal offers is the fact that they are just that – seasonal. A long-term campaign is ineffective as the event has come and gone without sufficient interest being generated to justify the cost. This makes promotional plastic bags the ideal vehicle for spreading the message far and wide. They are quick to produce in large quantities, easy to distribute and serve a useful enough purpose that they will be on show for at least some of their life.
A useful technique to get the most out of the advertising budget for plastic bags is to plan twelve months or so ahead, and identify the seasonal events and celebrations that could be linked to a sales campaign. It’s as easy as grabbing a calendar and marking important dates. As an example, there’s Valentine’s Day in February, Easter in April which is also autumn, May is Mother’s Day, winter starts in June which is a great opportunity to advertise any product that provides warmth – you get the idea. Just carry on until the end of the year and the advertising program for next year is done.
Now all that’s required is to select the seasonal offers most likely to turn a profit, get some slogans and artwork prepared and contact a company that produces promotional plastic bags. Their creative staff will be only too happy to provide design proofs for approval, and once that is finalised, the bags can be produced well ahead of time. This generates the maximum amount of lead time to work the eager shopping crowd into a frenzy of anticipation, as the plastic bags in Brisbane start appearing. For example, a retail outlet specialising in outdoor activities could start putting all August purchases into bags advertising a Father’s Day promotion of novelty barbeque aprons for the first week of September.
Forward planning is the key to successfully advertising seasonal offers in time for them to be the most effective. By organising everything in advance, all promotional material will be on hand ready for the start of a spectacularly successful sales campaign.